And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young.
A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year, Let's hope it's a good one, Without any fear. And so this is Christmas, For weak and for strong, For rich and the poor ones, The world is so wrong.
And so happy Christmas, For black and for white, For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight. A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear.
So its really been a while. I'd say im sorry but that really probably wouldnt matter, doesnt fix the fact that i havent blogged in a while. i just have to face the fact that i am not a blogger. lol. i mean i like it when i blog but when i dont it doesnt really keep me up at night.
so wow its been an entire semester since i have blogged! and how happy and sad that i am that this semester is over. i have had fun this semester. while most of it was spent doing homework, substituting or sleeping it was fun. towards the end i realized that most of my friends had thought i had fallen off the face of the earth so i decided to crawl out of my black and white hole of a room and join the living world again. this last semester really sucked my life away but it was worth it i came out with all A's and one dang B in that stupid piano class i DIDNT need and just took for fun. so you know what i decided that it doesnt count and from here on out i will just say i got all A's. lol
so yea thats really whats been going on with me, just getting back into my social circle up at school before break. a few of my friends graduated at semester and it made me realize that while i sit here and talk about how excited i am to graduate i am really scared as hell. i love going to school, learning, being with friends even though more and more of my friends will be graduating and leaving and it will feel like highschool because i will be the only cool one just kidding but its kind of like that you dont know any of the underclassmen or in college terms the new people and its not as fun. but lately i have stopped looking at that as a bad thing and more of a challenge. i came up to northwest last year and felt so a lone so womanned up and stepped out of my social circle and actually went to a meeting for a group that i saw on a bulliten board in the union and a year later those people i met at the meeting are some of my great friends. so i realized HAY stop being a ho michelle and do it again...had good results last time it wouldnt hurt to try it again.
haha but enough of that nonsense right? i dont really have much else to say. its christmas eve here, getting excited for the family time later on tonight even though its 1 in the am and i have to get up early and get crap done. but hey want to get a present for me? fill out this crazy little thing i decided not to waste on facebook. well i mean you can if you want to and are bored if not thats cool too yo. :) i appreciate my avid readers and i wish you all a very VERY merry christmas. love you all!
Michelle Bell
1. The love of my life:
2. Where you and I met:
3. Take a stab at my middle name:
4. How long you've known me:
5. When was I born?
6. The last time that we saw each other:
7. Your first impression of me upon meeting me/seeing me:
8. Am I funny?
9. My favorite type of music:
10. Can I sing?
11. The best feature about me:
12. What do I want to do more than anything?
13. What is one thing that you think I should do?
14. Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
15. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?
16. Have you ever hugged me?
17. My favorite food:
18. Have you ever had a crush on me?
19. If there was one good nickname for me, it would be:
20. Your favorite memory of me:
21. Do I have any siblings? how many?
22. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, I would bring:
23. Do I believe in God?
24. Who is my best friend?
25. I Love You.
1. family and music
2. Platte City 2nd Branch bus trip
3. Ann
4. almost 7 months, but I think we met in the pre-existence ;)
5. Nov. 13, 1987
6. a few weeks ago
7. happy
8. definitely!
9. Jack Johnson
10. in the car, when you're alone
11. your smile
12. be happy
13. visit a different country
14. music, making friends, organization, ambition, courage
15. i would call you fabulous! :)
16. of course! (but not enough lately...)
17. I'm gonna guess Mexican?
18. sorry, nope. If I were a guy, though...
19. sunshine
20. it's a tie - your baptism, and your first temple trip
21. one (waiting for you on the other side)
22. your blankie
23. yes
24. Leilani Ratliff
25. I love you too!!! :)
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