Wednesday, March 19, 2008


...A man who ISN'T intimidated by my loud and obnoxious personality
...A man who understands that girls fart and its ok
...A man who wants to be my friend and watch movies with me
...A man who will cut up raw meat for me because i am repulsed by the looks and texture of it.
...A man who doesnt do bad things

^pretty sure thats all i want in a man friend. not a boyfriend, not a fiancee, a man friend. a man friend is someone who is all of that. a man friend is someone who i am attracted to and who is attracted to me but understands he is just a man friend but we can still flirt. a man friend is someone who when they start feeling like they might like me wont pull the line "i dont want to ruin our friendship", man friends are not BAAABIES (in mr. bilens voice). man friends understand that friendships can turn into something more but must start out as friendships before anything more will ever have a chance of happening.

this all stemmed from me going after a guy i wanted. i wanted him to me a man friend, i didnt quite ask him to be my man friend i asked him to watch a movie and he said no, he hesitated but still said no and i was left feeling embarrassed because i threw myself out there. i just wanted him to be my man friend...a man friend i could kiss..yes but man friend first and foremost. ya know the kind of man friend that you could call on a week night when all your homwork was done and wanted to watch movie and be pals with you would call said man friend and he would come over and watch a stupid sappy movie with you and make you laugh when your crying because dan from dan in real life just admitted he misses his wife cause she is dead and he is rasing 3 daughters and they hate him because they are hormonal and he is in love with his brothers girlfriend and you are just crying cause you want dan to be happy and you want to be happy too like dan could be...and mr. man friend would make you giggle and he would look dang cute doing it.

ahh but i suppose those dont exist...but i put up a want add just in case they do... if you fit the description or have any advice on how to find a man friend...let me know. until then have a great evening kids.



Marcy said...

Michelle, I just love you. You keep hanging in there. There is a man friend out there & they come with all the qualities you are looking for & more. Just give it time & put yourself in the right places to find someone like that. Love you

Leilani said...

amen sistah. and no, i don't have any advice except, go get THE MAN! oh, and i totally had a chillin with mr. billen flashback while reading this. awesome. oh, and i love you and you are awesome. and said boy is a turd sandwhich and doesn't deserve you.

Aaron and Melissa said...

I love you! I'm sorry I'm such a slacker. My computer is packed. And Aaron only lets me use his sometimes to check my email! We move in a week... 7 days! YAY!!!!! You will find your man. Dating is SOOOOO tough. I hated it. Just work on becoming the YOU that YOU want to be. Then your man will find you, waiting for him, in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time! Love you!! Let me know when you're coming home next so that you can come check out our new place!!!